Thursday, June 13, 2019

Go to Bearfort Waters Bird Walk while staying in New Brunswick temporary housing

Bearfort Waters is a great place to take your friends and family while staying in New Brunswick temporary housing. This is a spot with a rich diversity of breeding birds, including 15+ warbler species. On June 15th, 2019, go on a walk through the trail where you will enjoy a variety of habitat, including coniferous and deciduous woods, low wet areas and dry mountain laurel thickets. There will be many birds to enjoy, such as the Black-Throated Blue and Canada Warblers. Check the website for all the details.

It is our pleasure to provide this information. If you are traveling to the Bridgewater, New Brunswick or Woodbridge/New Jersey area for an New Brunswick temporary housing or are in need of Bridgewater furnished apartments please consider New Jersey Short Term Rentals