Sunday, June 9, 2019

Enjoy a lecture on Toulouse-Lautrec while staying in New Brunswick temporary housing

Art Historian Vivian Gordon presents an illustrated talk at Bernardsville Public Library on June 12th called "Toulouse Lautrec and the Stars of Paris". While staying in New Brunswick temporary housing, learn more about Henri de Toulouse Lautrec who perfectly captured the racy spirit of 19th century Paris. You will learn more about some of the bohemian Montmarte characters who befriended Toulouse Lautrec at this time, and so much more. Check the website for all the details.

It is our pleasure to provide this information. If you are traveling to the Bridgewater, New Brunswick or Woodbridge/New Jersey area for an New Brunswick temporary housing or are in need of Bridgewater furnished apartments please consider New Jersey Short Term Rentals