Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Go to a lecture titled "Finding Kate" while staying in New Brunswick temporary housing

Go to the Bernardsville Library on May 16th at 7:00 to hear a lecture by historian Meryl Carmel about Kate Macy Ladd while staying in New Brunswick temporary housing. Ladd was a gilded age heiress who opened a convalescent home for women. She also was a philanthropist in many health related areas and ultimately founded the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, which still funds many important healthcare projects today. Check the website for all the details and get out for this special event, "Finding Kate".

It is our pleasure to provide this information. If you are traveling to the Bridgewater, New Brunswick or Woodbridge/New Jersey area for an New Brunswick temporary housing or are in need of Bridgewater furnished apartments please consider New Jersey Short Term Rentals